Monday, July 11, 2011

Technical Difficulties

You know those times when it seems that every sort of modern technological instrument that is supposed to make you life easier and more enjoyable is malfunctioning or not performing to it's fullest potential?  

I'm experiencing one of those times at the moment.  It started a couple weeks ago with my hair dyer.  The thing has been shutting off for no reason.  Right when I'm about 3/4 of the way through drying my hair.  No matter what I do I can't get it to restart until the next morning.  Then there is the bass guitar.  I've played at church the last two weeks and the first week the only way I could keep it from creating a terrible buzz in the system was by keeping my hand on the strings.  Supposedly it's fixed, but I got the sense after this past Sunday that the issue isn't totally resolved.

Then there is the computer.  A friend did an upgrade to my system the other week, and the upgrade has caused an issue with a software program.  My program now crashes every time I try to do a specific task the program was designed to do.  It's actually making it impossible to use the program.

Each one of these technical difficulties have something in common.  Because of their malfunction they are actually making my life more difficult.  I've tried to work around the issues, but they are still there.  Until I'm willing to stop and take some time to address the malfunctions of these machines they will continue to fail in their ability to do the job they were designed to do.

Isn't that the way it is with us as individuals sometimes.  Fact is we are instruments for God to use in this world designed for a specific purpose.  But many times we shut off 3/4 of the way through the process and give up rather than seeing something to completion.  We let God release his hand from us and we create a loud buzz that messes up the system.  Or we go with the program until we get to the crucial thing we were designed to do, and we just shut down because we think the upgrade was too much for our system to handle.  We make it difficult for God to use us for His intended purpose.

I know it's a stretch to try and draw parallels between my issues with technological instruments and our issues as instruments of The Creator.  But I'm going to try anyway.  Fact of the matter is, we are "God's handywork".  When we/I shut off, give up, or stop working it makes it imposible for God to use us to our fullest potential.  We can't deny it, we all go through these things from time to time.  But one of the things that amazes me about my relationship with God is that he always stops and takes the time to address the technical difficulties that arrise in my life, and He's patient in the process.  He shows me through many different ways that he wants to fix the problems and grow me into who He's designed me to be.

God could have choose to use a whale, a bumble bee, or even a moose to do be who He's called me to be and do the work He's called me to do.  But He choose me.  Even with all the technical difficulties I create for Him, He still takes the time to use me.

I still experiencing technical difficulties with with my modern instruments.  But I've stopped to take some time and figure out what's going on.  I am so glad God does the same thing with me.