Thursday, September 1, 2011

Vermont Flood Photos-This Is Real

These communities are very close to where I'm living and where my church is located.  We are working on reaching outside of our church and getting into our surrounding communities to help those who have been affected by Irene.  New Englanders are resilient people.  However, everyone comes to a point in their life where they need help from others.  We want to be able to offer that help.  To be the hands and feet of Jesus in our region.  Take a moment to look through the pictures and consider how you might help.

Queeche, VT

Queeche, VT

Taftville Bridge

Little White Cottage, between Woodstock and Bridgewater, VT.

Route 4 through central Vermont.  This is the main road across the center of the state connecting rural communities and many popular vacation destinations.

Local business just outside Bridgewater, VT

Home in South Royalton, VT.  Water came all the way in through the windows.  This home was occupied by some Vermont Law students who lost everything.

More homes in South Royalton, VT

At least 20 plus families have been displaced from their homes and many many more have been cut off from the main roads due to washed out mountain roads and bridges.  Horses are being used to bring people food and water.

These trailers ended up being taken down the White River and were dumped in a neighbors yard.

Just north of West Hartford, VT this home has not been touched since the storm passed through on Sunday.

The White River that travels South through central Vermont.  Normally very calm and much lower and crossable by foot this time of year, spilled well over its banks.  People in this area have never seen the river rage in the way it did on Sunday.

West Hartford Village Store-This store is a popular stop for Appalachian Tail thru hikers.  One of those great stops on summer vacation rides through rural Vermont.  This store sits more than 20 feet above the banks of the river and more than 100 feet away.

At least 15 plus house holds in West Hartford, VT have been displayed.  Most of the businesses are destroyed by the water.  The library and Post Office have sustained significant damage as well.  The National Guard came through for the first time Wednesday to clear the roads.  Prior to that this community was completely cut off.  People are now just starting to asses damage in this area.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

High Places

I lift my eyes to the hills-
where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip-
he who watches over you will not slumber.
Psalm 121:1-3

My soul finds rest in God alone;
my salvation comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Psalm 62:1-2

Monday, July 11, 2011

Technical Difficulties

You know those times when it seems that every sort of modern technological instrument that is supposed to make you life easier and more enjoyable is malfunctioning or not performing to it's fullest potential?  

I'm experiencing one of those times at the moment.  It started a couple weeks ago with my hair dyer.  The thing has been shutting off for no reason.  Right when I'm about 3/4 of the way through drying my hair.  No matter what I do I can't get it to restart until the next morning.  Then there is the bass guitar.  I've played at church the last two weeks and the first week the only way I could keep it from creating a terrible buzz in the system was by keeping my hand on the strings.  Supposedly it's fixed, but I got the sense after this past Sunday that the issue isn't totally resolved.

Then there is the computer.  A friend did an upgrade to my system the other week, and the upgrade has caused an issue with a software program.  My program now crashes every time I try to do a specific task the program was designed to do.  It's actually making it impossible to use the program.

Each one of these technical difficulties have something in common.  Because of their malfunction they are actually making my life more difficult.  I've tried to work around the issues, but they are still there.  Until I'm willing to stop and take some time to address the malfunctions of these machines they will continue to fail in their ability to do the job they were designed to do.

Isn't that the way it is with us as individuals sometimes.  Fact is we are instruments for God to use in this world designed for a specific purpose.  But many times we shut off 3/4 of the way through the process and give up rather than seeing something to completion.  We let God release his hand from us and we create a loud buzz that messes up the system.  Or we go with the program until we get to the crucial thing we were designed to do, and we just shut down because we think the upgrade was too much for our system to handle.  We make it difficult for God to use us for His intended purpose.

I know it's a stretch to try and draw parallels between my issues with technological instruments and our issues as instruments of The Creator.  But I'm going to try anyway.  Fact of the matter is, we are "God's handywork".  When we/I shut off, give up, or stop working it makes it imposible for God to use us to our fullest potential.  We can't deny it, we all go through these things from time to time.  But one of the things that amazes me about my relationship with God is that he always stops and takes the time to address the technical difficulties that arrise in my life, and He's patient in the process.  He shows me through many different ways that he wants to fix the problems and grow me into who He's designed me to be.

God could have choose to use a whale, a bumble bee, or even a moose to do be who He's called me to be and do the work He's called me to do.  But He choose me.  Even with all the technical difficulties I create for Him, He still takes the time to use me.

I still experiencing technical difficulties with with my modern instruments.  But I've stopped to take some time and figure out what's going on.  I am so glad God does the same thing with me.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's Bigger Than Me

This past Sunday at Riverbank Church we had the opportunity to watch and listen Louie Giglio give his "Indescribable" talk that he shared in Houston, TX a few years ago.  If you've never seen it I would highly recommend checking it out here or buying it here.

I've seen the talk before and each time I've been deeply impacted.  Mostly with all the amazing images Louie shared from NASA.  I'm not a big space junkie but these images were absolutely amazing.  Stuff that I could never get the opportunity to capture.  And to think that it was all created out of the imagination of the One and Only Creator of the universe is pretty mind boggling.  Add to that the fact that God allowed us to be a part of His creation and discover all these amazing things he's brought to life,   and you really do get a universe, an existence that is totally indescribable.  

This time around something "new" hit me from Louie's talk.  At one point he made a statement that said something to the affect of "What if the primary point of the universe is to display the splendor and majesty and greatness of God?"  It really hit me because I've been in a time of life transition.  Moving back to New England, finding a place to live, working a new job, making new friends, working in a new church, finding a new grocery store, etc.  A lot of the transition has been about ME and what I think I need and want.  

Deep down I know that my life is not about me.  But sometimes my selfishness gets in the way of really focusing on who this world, this universe is all about.  I am merely one very very very small instrument for God to use for HIS GLORY & SPLENDOR, HIS MAJESTY, AND HIS GREATNESS.  

I've been reading in Jeremiah recently and to me there is a parallel between what God is speaking through the prophet Jeremiah and what I experienced from Louie's talk this past Sunday.  In the beginning part of Jeremiah God's pretty much angry at his people because they have gone their own way and lost sight of who He is and what their purpose on the earth was.  They lost sight of God's GLORY, MAJESTY, and GREATNESS and it started to go really bad for them.  I mean there is some really crappy stuff that happens to them.  I've experienced crap, but nothing like this stuff. 

This isn't to say that when we loose sight of who God is that crap will enter our lives.  Sometimes crap happens even when we are right in the middle of God's will for us.  What I'm trying to communicate is that the point of our existence within this universe is to live a life that puts the focus on the SPLENDOR, MAJESTY, and GREATNESS of GOD.  It's not about us, it's about so much more.  It's about all the indescribable parts of who God is.  

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Around this time last year I listened through a sermon series from North Point Community Church entitled "Guardrails".  It was all about how we can keep our lives from straying into dangerous or off limit areas.  Whether that be spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, relationally, financially, etc.  In this series Andy Stanley took the time to talk about creating a "personal standard of behavior that becomes a matter of conscience" in all areas of our lives.

When I listened to the series I was so happy to be hearing the things he was teaching on.  It was stuff that I was like, "yeah, I want to have those standards, and guardrails in my life."  Some of them were already there, but there were others that I wanted to put into practice or wondered what would happen if I had to put them into practice.

Well over a year later, I've been put in a position to put some of these standards into practice.  And just being honest, it's not easy.  At least not the situation I faced recently.  See, this is the deal, I'm a "cool chic" that guys like to hang out with and be "buddies".  I'm into motorcycles, I can talk sports, I used to work as a mechanic, I know how to handle a gun, I can build a fire, and climb rocks, and not cry if I cut my finger.  My best friend in the early years of my life was the boy next door.  We didn't play dolls, we dug in the dirt, made bike jumps, and played baseball.

Don't get me wrong, I know how to do girly stuff, but it's not what I have the most fun doing.  Because of that I'm many times put in awkward situations.  Which leads me back to my recent situation.  The other day a guy friend of mine asked me to go hiking with him and his kid brother.  I love hiking and they were going to go hike a mountain I haven't been on yet.  So I said that I'd be interested in going.  However, later in the day I got to thinking about it.  You see this friend of mine is married.  Granted his brother was coming, but still, his wife was not.

Here I was faced with a situation where I could go on the innocent hike, or text and back out because of a guardrail I've established in my life.  I love hiking, I enjoy hiking with others.  But those "others" need to include single guys, single gals, married couples, parents and kids.  I never want to place another woman's husband in a situation where they are questioning his activities.

To many it might sound crazy to not go on the innocent hike.  Heck my friend's little brother was even going along.  But for me, this is a guardrail I've had to set.  First and foremost to protect my heart, but also to protect the people I come in contact with and count as friends.

As a single person I hope to some day be married.  I've waited a very long time for the opportunity to serve alongside someone else within the covenant of marriage.  I don't want my marriage to end up as another divorce statistic.  I don't want any of my friends marriages to end up as divorce statistics.  I've heard and seen too many people's marriages end in disaster because of "innocent" activities.

Whether you are married or hope to be married some day, take some time and think about the guardrails you have in place to protect your current or future marriage.  I am by no means perfect when it comes to all this.  But I know that by setting boundaries in this area of my life, and being accountable to the boundaries I've set, I will protect my heart and protect the hearts of others around me, and hopefully protect marriages in the process.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

As The Sun Rises

"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice;
in the the morning I lay my requests 
before you
and wait in expectation."
Psalm 5:3 

Monday, June 6, 2011

He is Still in The Boat!

The other night I got online to to catch up on some sermons from NewSpring Church down in SC.  Since moving back to New Hampshire I haven't had an opportunity to view what I had the privilege of experiencing live every Sunday for over a year.  The other Sunday NewSpring had Dan Lian bring the message from Mark 4:35-41 which is the story where Jesus is sleeping in a boat while the disciples are trying to weather a storm.  

Throughout Dan's message I couldn't help but think about the past few years of my life.  In Nov of 2008 I took some time away at Acadia National Park up in Maine.  I had just come out of an extremely busy season in my life and needed time just to get away, relax, regroup, and try and get a handle on what my life had become.  Little did I know during that trip that a storm in my life was just over the horizon. 

Less than a month later my life as I had know it got completely turned upside down.  Everything I thought I knew and believed about God was challenged.  Who I had become as a person started to become exposed.  The place that I thought I could find security completely failed me.  I was left in the middle of a storm wondering if Jesus was with me and if it even mattered to him that I was going through all that I was experiencing.  

For the next couple years, I did everything I knew to do.  I connected with Christ in new and deeper ways.  I rested, I cried, I spent time seeking after God.  I ran to him, I saw clarity in some areas, and yet in other specific ways God remained silent in the middle of my storm.  

There are so many different storms that come in and out of our lives.  Sometimes we see them coming and sometimes they show up by surprise.  Some times they last for a few moments, and other times they seem to be never ending.  
    In some ways I'm still experiencing a stormy season.  God's provided in so many ways in so many different areas of my life.  But there are areas where I'm still waiting out the storm.  But the best part of being in this kind of storm, is that I know and believe Jesus is in the boat with me.  He won't leave, and he's preparing to act on my behalf.

    If you can, please take the time to watch this message from Dan.  For me it was a great reminder that even when God's seems silent, He's still there.  The message starts around 31 minutes into the video.  Silence in The Storm