Sunday, March 27, 2011

Use What You're Given

Back in the summer of 2005 I had the opportunity to spend 16 days in Spain.  A couple days in Madrid and the rest of the time hiking part of the Camino de Santiago.  It was an amazing trip from so many reasons, but for one in particular.  This was where I really discovered an interest in photography.  I had recently purchased a Canon A95 point & shoot digital camera & really had no idea what I was doing with it.  I even managed to delete the first 200 photos from the trip before they ever got off the camera. None the less I ended up taking hundreds of photos during the trip, and started to figure out how to use all the features.  

This trip was just a starting point for this new found hobby.  Over the next couple years the little point & shot went all over the place with me.  Meanwhile people started to see me photos & wanted to see more. But I can be a bit of a perfectionist and don't like being criticised.  So I kept them hidden.  All to myself. I started comparing my photos to professionals with fancy $5,000 cameras & fancy editing software.  I would tell myself that if only I had the equipment they had I could get better shots, and have "cooler" pictures.  All the while I told myself those lies I kept shooting with my little point & shot, then I got to upgrade.  Not to the $5,000 kit that I'd love, but one step up.  I was really excited to have new equipment & to be able to start to take this hobby to a new level.  But not long after using the new stuff, the lies I told myself crept in again.  If only I had the "fancy" equipment.  I even put my camera down for awhile and pretty much gave up.

Then God showed me something.  It wasn't in a moment, it's been a a humbling process.  He showed me that if I ever hope to have the opportunity to use the $5000 camera I have to use the one I've been given now.  That I have to make the most of what I've been given.  Take the best photos I can with the equipment I have now and to not make excuses.  He reminded me that when I'm willing to do my best with what I have He will step in and take it to the next level.  He will make it great.

I don't know if I will ever get my complete list of dream camera gear, but I know that God's given me all the tools I need right now to make photos people enjoy.  I've got to be content with that, and use what I've been given.

This has been about a camera, but I believe it can apply to so many areas of our life?  What's an area where you need to be content to use what God's given you right now?  

Plaza Mayor in Madrid

Pillars in Segovia

Somewhere along the Camino de Santiago

Distance maker along the Camino de Santiago

View from O'Cebreiro

Cathedral de Santiago

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