Thursday, April 7, 2011

Photos in Song

"If faith can move the mountains, let the mountains move
we come with expectation waiting her for you
waiting here for you
Your the Lord of all creation and still you know my heart
the author of salvation you’ve loved us from the start
waiting here for you with our hands lifted high in praise
and it’s you we adore singing hallelujah"...

When listening to music many, many times I see images to go with the lyrics.  I've never been very creative when it comes to writing poetry, verse, or lyrics.  But I love the thought of taking lyrics and matching them with an image that's been frozen in time. It just helps me connect to what's being sung.  A friend recently gave me a copy of "Waiting Here For You" sung by Christy Nockels, and on one of the first listens the mountain came into view.  

It's by far my favorite mountain.  I've driven past it and stood on top of it many times.  The song really isn't about the mountain at all.  However, for me the image of this mountain connects me to who the song is about, The Creator of the universe.  The fact that we can be with God. We can each connect with Him.  That he loves each one of us no matter how insignificant we feel at times.  That even though He's powerful enough to move mountains he still cares about each one of our hearts.  That even though there are billions of people on this earth He knows my name and I can wait on Him, and he will be faithful.  That I can wait in expectation of someday standing on top of this mountain again and raising my hands in praise.

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