Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's Bigger Than Me

This past Sunday at Riverbank Church we had the opportunity to watch and listen Louie Giglio give his "Indescribable" talk that he shared in Houston, TX a few years ago.  If you've never seen it I would highly recommend checking it out here or buying it here.

I've seen the talk before and each time I've been deeply impacted.  Mostly with all the amazing images Louie shared from NASA.  I'm not a big space junkie but these images were absolutely amazing.  Stuff that I could never get the opportunity to capture.  And to think that it was all created out of the imagination of the One and Only Creator of the universe is pretty mind boggling.  Add to that the fact that God allowed us to be a part of His creation and discover all these amazing things he's brought to life,   and you really do get a universe, an existence that is totally indescribable.  

This time around something "new" hit me from Louie's talk.  At one point he made a statement that said something to the affect of "What if the primary point of the universe is to display the splendor and majesty and greatness of God?"  It really hit me because I've been in a time of life transition.  Moving back to New England, finding a place to live, working a new job, making new friends, working in a new church, finding a new grocery store, etc.  A lot of the transition has been about ME and what I think I need and want.  

Deep down I know that my life is not about me.  But sometimes my selfishness gets in the way of really focusing on who this world, this universe is all about.  I am merely one very very very small instrument for God to use for HIS GLORY & SPLENDOR, HIS MAJESTY, AND HIS GREATNESS.  

I've been reading in Jeremiah recently and to me there is a parallel between what God is speaking through the prophet Jeremiah and what I experienced from Louie's talk this past Sunday.  In the beginning part of Jeremiah God's pretty much angry at his people because they have gone their own way and lost sight of who He is and what their purpose on the earth was.  They lost sight of God's GLORY, MAJESTY, and GREATNESS and it started to go really bad for them.  I mean there is some really crappy stuff that happens to them.  I've experienced crap, but nothing like this stuff. 

This isn't to say that when we loose sight of who God is that crap will enter our lives.  Sometimes crap happens even when we are right in the middle of God's will for us.  What I'm trying to communicate is that the point of our existence within this universe is to live a life that puts the focus on the SPLENDOR, MAJESTY, and GREATNESS of GOD.  It's not about us, it's about so much more.  It's about all the indescribable parts of who God is.  

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